Heinz Goeddemeier Telecommunication  Engineering Consulting Services
(c) 2014-2019 Heinz Goeddemeier HGTECS
Engineering & Production Services
Other kinds of service support can be discussed with interested clients - besides the general Network Rollout Services portfolio Backed up by own international experience in Sales, RF development, and Business Development in wireless networks - supported by international partners, I can also offer other additional engineering and consultancy services. Targeting at small & medium sized enterprises we can become your temporary extended arm in specific requirements such as product development and production, by nature being difficult to run by many small(er) enterprises themselves. One example is my partner BANKEL D.O.O. in Zagreb/Croatia, being well linked with ambitious, professional companies in Croatia and beyond. Such way dedicated solutions are possible being cost wise competitive….  We‘re looking forward to discussing your needs with us - we will evaluate your RFI and - if feasible - we will work out a dedicated, fitting solution including a commercial proposal.
PCB, Prototype & Unicate  Assembly…
contact-info: info@hgtecs.com