Heinz Goeddemeier Telecommunication  Engineering Consulting Services
Welcome to my Webpage HGTECS.COM - your address for special Telecommunication, Engineering and Consulting Services 30 years experience in mobile networks and wireless area enables me to offer a wide portfolio of independent, flexible and special services of the most different kind within the mobile telecommunication area and furthermore: Working in international environments (e.g.10 years with American, 7 years in Chinese) German operators Telekom, Vodafone & Telefonica/Eplus operators  A look at my service portfolio on this webpage will inform you in detail. . . mainly specialized in services within the business area of wireless networks (e.g. rollout installation support, special project management support or special coverage DAS (Distributed Antenna Systems)  installation and maintenance. And more…. Besides mobile network rollout services other wireless support ranges can be discussed in case of interest: international technical sales support, business development, product introduction and technical / type approval mandates - being fully independent here I‘m particularly addressing interests of small and medium- sized enterprises in Germany and abroad. Please contact me - will love to hear your ideas, thoughts and needs - starting an evaluation of suitable support and feasible cooperation. Dipl. Ing. Heinz Goeddemeier
(c) 2014-2019 Heinz Goeddemeier HGTECS
Welcome to HGTECS.COM
contact-info: info@hgtecs.com

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special solution …?

Have a look at my service portfolio - your need might fit? Please, send me a short message via info@hgtecs.com   or contact me under +49 151 150 30 230  If feasible, I‘ll be pleased to extend my service portfolio to address your individual needs.
Heinz Goeddemeier
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